Hoya plant

Hoya plant care is simple, so long as you follow a few rules. Hoya is an Asclepiad genus of 200–3species of tropical plants in the family Apocynaceae (Dogbane). Floresce na primavera, com cachos de flores pequenas e carnosas, em forma de estrela, que se assemelham a flores de cera.

Elas não têm um cheiro muito forte durante o dia, quase nulo. Hoya carnosa , the porcelainflower or wax plant, is an Asclepiad species of flowering plant in the dogbane family Apocynaceae.

It is one of the many species of hoya that are native to Eastern Asia and Australia. It is a common house plant grown for its attractive waxy foliage, and sweetly scented flowers. Add an exotic touch to your home garden. Although we can thank the Scottish botanist Robert Brown for introducing the Asian native, Hoya into cultivation, the plant genus is named in honor of the 18th- century botanist Thomas Hoy. If he were alive today, Mr.

Hoy might strive to introduce more gardeners to this fragrant, low-maintenance tropical . How to Care for a Hoya Plant. Nell holding the flower of her beloved hoya.

This is the flower of my Hoya carnosa “variegata”. The common name is Wax Flower, Porcelain Flower or Honey Plant. You can see the clear nectar oozing out of the center of the flower.

Wax plants make terrific houseplants. These easy care plants have few special needs but they do like to be fed. Hoya growth will take off if you have a regular feeding schedule.

There are two schools of thought on when to stop fertilizing a wax plant , but almost everyone agrees they need supplemental food . Many people like to grow . The best known hoya is the one shown here, Hoya carnosa , which perhaps you know as 'wax plant', or even, 'that weird thing Gran had in the glasshouse'. They are wax- stemmed and produce beautiful flowers. An umbel is a rounded cluster of flowers. The flowers can be pink, white, purple,. Hoyas are native to Indo-China, Indonesia and Australasia, and in this country they need to be grown in a warm bright room in the house or heated conservatory.

The most commonly grown are Hoya carnosa and Hoya lanceolata ssp. Botanical Name: Hoya carnosa. Long, slender vines of the Wax Plant are covered with thick, green leathery leaves.

The leaves are sometimes flecked with silvery or creamy white.

To show off its thickly-leafed vines, and to give them a denser appearance, loop them around a wire hoop or small trellis and tie . Learn more about this plant and how to care for and propagate it.


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