K humate

MAIOR APROVEITAMENTO DOS NUTRIENTES. O diferencial do K - Humate é sua fonte, a Leonardita australiana, que proporciona a maior concentração de ácidos orgânicos do . Empresa multinacional que nasceu há mais de anos na África do Sul, e atualmente presente em Países. Constituída de unidades de negócios: Agricultura, Químicos, Mineração e Trading de Investimentos, com faturamento próximo a US$ bilhões e capital . Soluble K - humate is a solid soil conditioner formulated to increase the ability of soil to retain nutrients and improve.

Potassium humate is the potassium salt of humic acid.

It is manufactured commercially by alkaline extraction of brown coal (lignite) Leonardite to be used mainly as a soil conditioner. The extraction is performed in water with the addition of potassium hydroxide (KOH), sequestering agents and hydrotropic surfactants. Effects of K - Humate application on dry matter contents of corn and sunflower: Dry matter contents of corn and sunflower after K - Humate application are shown in Table 1. Dry Matter contents of sunflower and corn increased by increasing rates of K - Humate application.

With soil application, the maximum increasing rate of . Nutrient and secondary nutrient uptake in shoots of tomato grown in soil: control (Cf fulvate, Ch humate), low rate (LR), high rate (HR) and . The K - humate and NH4-humate are expected to be relatively high in K and NH respectively, and by origin humic acids already contain 4– N, small amounts of S and perhaps traces of P. The extra amount of macro- and micronutrients added to fortify the humates are sometimes quite large.

The soil was classified as a clay loam in texture. The highest marketable yield quantity was obtained from the irrigation rate of 0mha−with K - humate application (3 Mg ha−1). Liquid K - humate , Wholesale Various High Quality Liquid K - humate Products from Global Liquid K - humate Suppliers and Liquid K - humate Factory,Importer, Exporter at Alibaba.

MF Rural k humate Comprar Vender k humate Compra de k humate Preço k humate Venda k humate Comércio de k humate Mercado k humate Classificados de k hu. K - humate soil conditioner is made from plant derived organic matter to benefit soil. BENEFITS OF USING K - HUMATE. Biological: Stimulates growth of beneficial soil fungi and bacteria. Provides readily available source of carbon . Seja o primeiro a avaliar “ K - Humate Litros” Cancelar resposta.

O seu endereço de e-mail não será publicado. Protient K - Humate is a plant development regulator that can be applied both to leaf and from soil to help the plant during stressful periods and hard times such as irrigation instability. When applied to the leaf,.

Os revestimentos das fontes de MAP foram realizados na dose equivalente à 6L de K - humate por tonelada. Esse produto é um fertilizante líquido de alta concentração de ácidos húmicos e flúvicos. A greenhouse pot experiment was conducted to determine whether kale, cv.

Ripbor, responded to different natural sources of growing medium amendments: 47. SOIL salinity has several adverse effects on phytoavailability of ….

In this study, it was researched that the effects of K-. As a result of this study, the doses were . The high quality and plant source high quality k humate water solubility 1 and humic acid powder can benefit agricultural plants a lot. It can be wildly used in assisting agricultural products.

Please feel free to purchase our high quality k humate water solubility 1 and humic acid powder. Replace china`s import high grade humate products! Fertis K - Humate Bd 20lt. Focus on high grade and quality!

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