Pinus parviflora

Pinus parviflora é uma espécie de pinheiro originária do Velho Mundo, mais precisamente da região da Ásia. O Commons possui imagens e outras mídias . Needles (to 3” long) in bundles of five are an. Zone ‎: ‎to Common Name ‎: ‎Japanese white pine Height ‎: ‎20.

Trees have a dense pyramidal habit when young, but with age develop more spreading branching and a flatter top. Taxonomic Source(s):, Farjon, A.

Koninklijke Brill, Leiden. There are two varieties, parviflora and pentaphylla. Strobus (Lemmon), section Quinquefoliae (Duhamel), subsection Strobus (Loudon). Other Common Names: Japanese white pine. Disease, pests, and problems.

Can suffer from insects and disease when stressed. Susceptible to a number of diseases including Diplodia tip blight, needle casts, and pine wilt. A pyramid with twisted blue-green needles.

Male pollen cones are profuse and bright red in the spring.

The red pollen cones are typical of Pinus pumila - which this cultivar might belong to. Either way, this is one of the finest cultivars of parviflora or pumila. Introduced by Fred Bergman at Raraflora . The flowers are monoecious (individual flowers are either male or female, but both sexes can be found on the same plant) and are pollinated by Wind.

It is hardy to zone (UK) 5. Slow-growing tree that remains narrow when young but later grows asymmetrical and broad. The crown is semi-closed and more irregular than the species, and the. Erect or Spreading with a High Canopy. Longevity Greater than 1years.

Growth Rate: to Inches per Year. Gold-needled Japanese White Pine. Talk about multi-tasking. At the tips of the branches, the growth that began in Spring retains its needles.

Pine trees are superb trees which grow in a wide climate scale - from cold northern countries to hot coastal sites. They are probably most beautiful in their natural environment. It has whorls of five needles that are silvery green, . Een korte impressie van een recentelijk bewerkte Japanse witte den ( Pinus Parviflora ). The variety laevis is a serpentine plant on the mountain Apoi in Hokkaido.

A really great evergreen conifer with short blue needles.

Compact and broadly pyramidal shape. One of the most attractive of all Japanese Pines. Aoi translates to blue in Japanese.


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