
Define granular (adjective) and get synonyms. What is granular (adjective)? It is common to speak of things being more granular or less granular , but this is potentially confusing: something granular is composed of small, discrete entities as opposed to being continuous, which is primarily a binary distinction, not a matter of degree. Moreover, it is unclear if more granular and less granular.

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Computação granular (GrC) é um paradigma de computação emergente de processamento de informações. Trata-se de processamento de entidade complexas de informação chamadas de grânulos, que surgem no processo de abstração e derivação de conhecimento de informações ou dados. De modo Geral, grânulos . Síntese granular é um método básico de síntese sonora que opera em escala de tempo micro-sônica. Contudo, as amostras não são usadas diretamente, sendo divididas em pequenos fragmentos cuja . Definition of granular - resembling or consisting of small grains or particles.

To get overly detailed when describing something or talking about a subject. Breaking things down to the fine grain.

Dictionary and Word of the Day. Synonyms for granular at Thesaurus. Farm management software company dedicated to helping industry leaders build stronger and smarter farms. We also own AcreValue, a farmland valuation tool.

Перевод контекст granular c английский на русский от Reverso Context: The closed-toe and closed-heel footwear comprises a base, an upper with an opening for the foot and a granular filler. Granular , San Francisco, California. View GIS maps that compile agricultural data, including farmland values, soil productivity ratings, crop mix, and parcel ownership information. The first step is production of a stiff dough from wheat, malted barley flour, salt, dry yeast, and water. After mixing, fermentation proceeds for about five hours.

Holganix offers an organic granular fertilizer that promotes optimum plant health and reduces your need for fertilizers and pesticides. Your granular conversion report (GCR) helps you understand the channels, campaigns, and ads that influence your conversions. View conversion journey details, such as time from first touch to conversion, attributed touchpoints (receive a portion of credit for the conversion), and influenced touchpoints . This note examines the range of distinct adtech data processing purposes that will require opt-in under the GDPR. Net Contents: pounds (kg). GREENHOUSE and NURSERY INSECTICIDE.

For Systemic Insect Control on Ornamentals, Non-bearing Fruit and Nut Trees, and.

Vegetable Transplants in Greenhouses, Nurseries, and Interior Plantscapes. It contains the endomycorrhizal fungi Glomus intraradices and the bacteria Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae. O horário de funcionamento da empresa é de Segunda a Sábado de 09hàs 22h00. Texto gerado automaticamente pelo site . Outlined here are five of the most accessible benefits to granular energy monitoring. Shedding light on when, where, and how to drill down into.

Its particle size allows for easy application at the crusher sump with reduced “dusting. It is ideally suited for use in crops such as canola which have a high sulphur deman and in grain crops and pastures. English dictionary definition of granular.

Having a high level of detail, as in a set of data:. It refers to the size that data fields are divided into, in short how detail-oriented a single field is. A good example of data granularity is how a name field is subdivide if it is contained in a single field or subdivided into its constituents such as first .


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